Be smart about packing. Your laptop and other essential items should be packed in your carry-on bag if you are flying. In case it is cold, bring snacks and a sweater. You will be walking a lot so wear shoes that you are comfortable with.
Be smart about packing. Your laptop and other essential items should be packed in your carry-on bag if you are flying. In case it is cold, bring snacks and a sweater. You will be walking a lot so wear shoes that you are comfortable with.
Prepare, prepare, prepare
You can do your research ahead of time to ensure you don't get left behind. Take a look at the speakers and do some research on the papers they are presenting. Is there anything that interests you? Make sure to ask questions in advance and prioritize attending sessions.
Remember to ask questions in a tweet if the question is too long for a Tweet. It's better to save it as an email. Avoid asking questions that start with "This is more of a question."
Your personal pitch should be practiced. Write down a few sentences to summarize your career. You can use these lines over and over.
Practice your presentation. Practice your presentation ahead of time to reduce the chance of making mistakes. Your advisor or fellow graduate students can review your work and offer their suggestions. You should be prepared to answer the most common questions that you'll be asked. Make sure to inform your audience about your career stage so that they can better understand your research.
Accept the chaos
Conferencing is chaotic and loud. You should mentally prepare for it, but keep in mind that you cannot do it all. To plan your schedule, review the conference program ahead of time and make sure you have time for breaks. It will not be a problem to miss a few essential sessions to help you fully engage in the sessions.
To get oriented to your surroundings, arrive a bit early at the venue. Make sure to eat well, get plenty of water, and use the restroom. This may seem simple but it can be difficult with so many things going on. You should dress comfortably, but professional. Pay particular attention to your shoes. You will get more out of the event if you are more comfortable.
Take advantage of the opportunity to travel the area and attend sessions outside your normal expertise. This is your chance to learn and grow professionally and personally.
Expand your network
It's a fact that you've heard a million times, but you cannot underestimate the power and potential of networking. This isn't always easy for the more introverted of us. But the rewards of getting out of our comfort zones can be great. Networking can help you shape and strengthen your research, as well as make it easier for potential employers to find you. Here are top tips for doing it right:
Before the meeting, identify a few people you are interested in meeting with and send them an email. It will make it easier to connect with them on the day.
Make sure to update your ResearchGate or LinkedIn profile before you go so that new connections can see your achievements.
Be aware that others may feel shy or insecure as well. You can help them by saying hello and starting a conversation. Although it can be hard, avoid only hanging out with people you know.
Do not be afraid to approach your research hero, or a speaker that you enjoy and give them a compliment. "I enjoyed your paper in Neuron about sodium channels." It will be appreciated by them and a great way for you to start a conversation. You should be prepared with a thoughtful question, a concise summary of your research, and a brief summary.
Attend as many social events and meetings as you can. Try to strike up a conversation with someone at lunch or at the coffee shop. This is a great way to increase your confidence and to get comfortable introducing yourself to others in a relaxed setting.
To build relationships, find something you and others have in common. Mentioning a colleague at work or an interest in the same research field is a good way to build relationships.
Poster sessions are more casual and relaxed. To make it easier for others, include your email address if you are presenting.
Follow-up after conference
Keep in touch with any new contacts you made at the conference. Send an email to people you met and suggest next steps. Send them a copy or a suggestion for a drink, or a copy of the article you have discussed. You should respond promptly to their emails. Keep in touch whenever possible. Do not forget to connect with new people on LinkedIn.
For women's health, tips for heart, mind, and body -
If you want to avoid problems such as strokes and heart disease, there is an easy way.
Get more fruits and vegetables.
Whole grains are better than refined ones. Brown rice is better than white. Switch to whole-wheat pasta
Consider lean proteins such as poultry, fish and beans.
Reduce your intake of processed foods, sugar, salt, saturated fat, and other unhealthy food.
Flexibility is key to eating well, according to Joyce Meng, MD assistant professor at UConn Health's Pat and Jim Calhoun Cardiology Center. You can follow a strict diet plan if you prefer. It's okay if you don't like following a strict diet plan.
Tricia Montgomery (52), founder of K9 Fit Club knows firsthand the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Her favorite things are eating healthy food and making small, frequent meals. She says, "I don’t deny myself anything." "I still enjoy dessert, key lime pie, yum!" -- I love frozen gummy bears and moderation is the key.
Get regular checkups. Your doctor will keep track of your medical history so that you can stay healthy. If you are at high risk of osteoporosis (a condition that weakens bones), your doctor may recommend more vitamin D and calcium.
You may be recommended by your doctor to have screening tests done to monitor your health and detect conditions before they become serious.
Be open to communication. Meng said, "If you have any questions, ask your doctor." "Ensure you are satisfied with the information." Talk to your doctor if you have concerns about any medication or procedure.
Reduce Stress
It can be very detrimental to your health. It is impossible to avoid it all, but there are ways you can reduce the effects. Do not take on too many responsibilities. Set limits for yourself and others. It is okay to say no.
To relieve stress, try:
Deep breathing
Healthy eating
Talking to a friend or family member.
Develop healthy habits
You can prevent problems from coming your way tomorrow if you make the right decisions today.
Brush your teeth twice daily and floss each day.
Don't smoke.
Limit your alcohol. Limit your alcohol intake to 1 drink per day.
Take your medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor.
Get better sleep. Try to sleep for at least 8 hours. Talk to your doctor if you are having trouble sleeping.
Keep out of direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Wear your seatbelt.
Meng suggests that you take time each day to invest in your own health.
Montgomery was able to see the benefits. Montgomery says that she has overcome health issues, is happy, and has a positive outlook. She says that her life has been forever transformed.
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