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Common Help Desk Problems & Solutions

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Common Help Desk Problems & Solutions -

10 Common Help Desk Problems & Solutions MSP Deal Everyday
1. Printer Problems
Normally, switching off a machine and then turning it back on solves most of the IT related problems. Sadly, some issues cannot be solved by restarting your device. The most common problem facing companies is adding printers to the network. The odd naming conventions make it difficult to figure out if a printer is in the network, or if it is working. The first step to solving such a problem is giving your printers descriptive and straightforward names for easier identification. Experts from MSP also advice people to use scripts so that the process of adding printers becomes automatic.

2. Computers Are Running Too Slowly
Is your computer taking too long to execute instructions? If that is the case, the solution is quite simple. Confirm if you are running many programs at once and ensure that you close some of them. Additionally, your computer might be carrying out scans and updates on the background without your knowledge. As a result, your computer becomes slow. If you have an excellent IT support team, they should carry out the scans and updates for you after working hours.

Your PC might also be slow because of viruses and malware. Therefore, ensure that you disconnect your PC from the network and let the IT help desk sort it out for you.

3. Lack Of Dedicated IT Help Desk Staff
When learning some of the most common IT help desk problems and solutions, you may discover that failure to employ people that are dedicated and experienced may lead to problems. When it comes to the IT industry, your employees not only need to be motivated, but also need to understand their job correctly. Some help desk staff that lack experience end up misleading people who have IT-related issues. A professional should always be in a position to answer all questions asked efficiently.

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